Notes and Photos Day Trip
Across the Golden Gate and on to Sausalito

Sunday, September 14, 2008

It was a beautiful day for ridding.  The temperature was great, cool to warm in the usual areas and sunny.

About noon, Carol and I headed up 280, intent on Sausalito.
When we got to San Francisco, we stopped at a Borders in Stonestown for a coffee and a warm-up.

Next stop was Vista Point at the North Anchorage of the Golden Gate.
Parking was completely full with dozens of cars stopped in the driving lanes waiting for a spot.
I pulled Lola up on a wide area on the sidewalk.  There's definitely an advantage parking a bike.

We were planning on a late lunch when we got to Sausalito.
Parking here was also all but impossible.  Fortunately, there was a lot with lots of spaces.
It was for the Spinnaker Restaurant patrons.  So we ate lunch there.
We got a little table by the windows and watched the boats.

This couple rowed by with the man working hard at the oars.
In all the time we watched them, the woman never turned around.

Wandering around seeing the sights, we came across these stacked rocks.
They are balanced precariously with no means of attachment other than gravity.

We stopped in at the "Bar With No Name".  That is the name.
An ancient group played for us.  They were very good and a lot of fun.

It was a very good day and a lot of fun.

Updated: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 10:06:52 PM