The Delta, Sunday, March 24, 2013

The weather forecast was for temps in the low 70's and the delta is a favorite destination.
It is always beautiful riding along the river on the levees.

Besides, the little town of Isleton is a rare "I" city for my ABC's

On the way to the delta, we stopped in Dublin for a photo of their civic center. A "D" city.

Then off to the delta via Vasco Road through Brentwood.  The wild flowers were amazing
Golden Poppies, Yellow Mustard, blue somethings and purples and whites.
Huge windmills pumping out electricity in the light breeze.

There is a little town of Rio Vista across from which is a produce stand we like to stop at.

It is only a few miles more to Isleton.
There is an old Main Street with very old buildings in various states of repair.
A very poor little town, but it is showing more signs of returning prosperity than last time we visited.

We had lunch at this little cafe.  It was good.

Isleton is a popular place for motorcycles, many bikes accumulated while we were walking Main Street.
I got my photo with a sign that said Isleton.  Feeling sorry that we missed the Spam festival this past February.

Next stop was a little town called Walnut Grove.  A stop for a photo at the post office.

And then we headed east to pick up I-5 for the ride toward home.
We stopped in Stockton for a cup of coffee and a look around.
Coincidently, the day after we visited, Stockton officially declared bankruptcy.
I don't believe it was anything we did.

The first time I visited Stockton was about four decades ago.
I was working for Western Electric and I was on a working trip to the building shown below.
At that time it was Pacific Bell and I did telephone office engineering.

We had dinner in downtown Livermore at a Thai restaurant that was very good.
A mural on the side of a Livermore building.

(A) Los Gatos (B) Dublin (C) Isleton (D) Walnut Grove (E) Livermore
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