Rides to Collect Local ABC Letters, January, 2017
I'm collecting points for my 2017 HOG ABC's
Each new calendar year, I start over with a blank slate.
I try as early in the year as weather allows to begin with the local points.

January 15, 2017. First Day Collecting the nearest points.
In many past years, I was able to begin on the 1st or 2nd.
This year, the Harley Owners Group (HOG) did not distribute
the cover of their annual Touring Handbook until the end of the second week.
Since I need to include the cover of a 2017 publication in my photos,
I was frustrated at not being able to start earlier.
The handbook has arrived and the weather has finally cooperated today on the 15th.
Cold, but no rain so I headed out for my first few points
Cupertino CA Post Office is a favorite visit for points

City letter "C"
Next stop for today was the Monta Vista Fire Station
on upper Stevens Creek for a County Letter
A picture with me in it, need at least five of those for the year

County letter "S"
I visited the Saratoga City Council for a photo
Again, I was able to include myself in the photo

City letter "S"
Across the street is the Saratoga CA Post Office
For now, I will use it for the state and the country

State "California", Country "United States"
Next, I headed down to Los Gatos Post Office

City Letter "L"
Monte Sereno City Hall
Again, I was able to include myself

City Letter "M"