Route-66 Loop Day 10, Monday, May 24
Starting Location: Warenton, MO
Stopping Location: Kansas City, MO

194 Miles


Highlights of the day

Got a photo of Warren County, then across Missouri to Kansas City, one of the hardest cities I know of to drive on the freeways.

On the way, we met a few fellows who were going to Washington, DC for the Memorial Day Rolling Thunder.
There will be an estimated 200,000 Harley-Davidsons converging in their annual memorial to all vets.
On every overpass, people were waving flags and cheering for the riders.  We passed some of them on the road.

Got a new front tire for the bike.  The old one started to wear unevenly and cup.
Harley paid the entire amount for it under warranty.

Had a big dinner at the Hereford House in the Rosa Zona outdoor mall.
Noticed the cherub blowing her horn to welcome the moon


Photos and Descriptions

K and I headed over to the Warren County, Missouri courthouse in the morning.  Inside, they have security just like at an airport.
Metal detectors, frisking deputies, etc.  We went upstairs to a courtroom and watched a jury being chosen.  Kind of boring, actually.

Going through Missouri from the other direction was the official Rolling Thunder procession.
They were on their way to Washington D.C. for Memorial Day.  I guess the word precedes them.
On every overpass, people were gathered to root them on as they passed.
We met a young couple who were on their way for the third year.
They noted that everywhere along the road, people took care of them.  Local VA groups arranged for dinners and places to stay.
Patriotism is alive and well in America.

We C and I stopped in Sweet Springs, Missouri.  An interesting little town, but again the decaying infrastructure was just beneath the surface.
A local grocery store is a Piggly Wiggly.
When I was 1-1/2 to 8 years old, my family lived in Omaha, Nebraska and Piggly Wiggly was the local grocery store.

Missouri, like most other midwest states has an abundance of grain and railroads.
Can you imagine enough corn flakes to fill these silos?

Kansas City, Missouri.  Normally reasonable freeways, were made much more complicated by on-going construction.
I guess they are building one more bridge across the Missouri River.  It will be beautiful when its done.

C and I met RM and K at the Worth Harley-Davidson Dealership.
This is one of the largest dealers I have met in my travels.
Unfortunately for RM and K, they have recently moved and Google has not yet caught up.  Eventually, K got directions and found the new location.
They have an inventory that is awsome.  There must have been 300 new bikes and a similar number of used.
When I bought my Heritage back in 2002, I had trouble finding one in the entire bay area.  Worth had about 30 of them in stock in all colors.

Since I had been told about the wobbly front tire back in Oklahoma City, I paid attention and noticed that yes, my front tire is wearing unevenly.
Worth HD brought my bike into the shop and gave me a new front tire, for free under warranty.  They even offered to wash the bike.

The folks at the HD dealer recommended a steak house in a nearby shopping mall. It was very good.

Updated: Thursday, May 15, 2014 03:03:52 PM