My Second Trek to the Midwest
Day 18, Tuesday, July 11, 2007

Lovelock, Nevada to San Jose, California (home)
Day's Route Overview: Now I'll soon be getting back into very familiar territory and then home

Planned 348 miles, actual 360 miles

Starting out: Trip / Odometer / Time: 71.8 / 45,129 / 7:10 AM PDT

The day started out very nice.  The weather was good, although hazy due to the fires burning all over Nevada and California.
My first stop was in Fernley, Nevada for breakfast.  As I was leaving, a fellow pulled up and we started chatting.  He is a deputy sheriff named Bob.  He has a Harley, a '96 that he enjoys.  When I said I was from San Jose, he asked me if it was true that San Jose has the highest child abduction rate in the nation.  I do not know if that is true.  The reason he asked is that he is on a 12 year long personal campaign to implement a system he developed to try to combat child abductions.  His local authorities do not have the resources to implement such a system.

You do meet the most interesting people on a trip like this.

Coming across the state line into California, it started getting cold.  There were 3 or 4 times when it started raining lightly.

I had to stop and put the liner into my jacket.

The road does go through beautiful areas.  The smell of the pines always reminds me of the holiday season.

The ride home through California was uneventful.  It was good to be on familiar roads again.

Before I left Bloomington, I stopped by the post office and bought a box to ship some stuff home.  Dirty clothes and extra stuff from having over packed.  You might have noticed in the photos through the days that going east I had more luggage piled on Lola that I had coming back west.  With less weight and less wind resistance, the ride was noticeably improved on the way back home.  I have to remember to pack lighter in the future.

One thing did tend to amass were the t-shirts that I purchased at the various Harley-Davidson dealers that I stopped at.  Each one is no big deal, but they do mount up to an appreciable bundle.  I did include the first set in the box I shipped back home

By a good stroke of planning, and if you believe that, I have a bridge I'd like to talk to you about, the box  arrived on the same day that I did.  I opened it eagerly and separated the dirty from the new and laid out the t-shirts to see my cache.  18 t-shirts.  It will take me weeks and weeks to wear these each for the first time to racquetball.

I'm tired and sore in places where I didn't know I had places, but I'm also happy.  All in all, this has been a terrific adventure.

Done for the day: Trip / Odometer / Time: 2.2 / 45,489 / 2:31 PM

ABC Letters: none

Day's Totals: 360 miles, 7 hours 23 minutes
Trip Totals: 6,599 miles, 156 hours 38 minutes

Overview Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Updated: Wednesday, May 28, 2014 06:03:12 PM